About me
I am a feisty, young at heart, wife, mother, grandmother and mother-in-law! The kids are grown with families and homes of their own. We are all busy, but get together the last Sunday of each month for dinner. I have a blog (of course!) and the name describes our gatherings, Our Sunday Cafe. Each month I get to cook and explore new recipes and have a full table to serve it all too. I never get tired of learning more about food, it's value to us nutritionally and it's enjoyment taste wise. I have returned to my childhood roots by having a garden once again and making jam, jelly and good bread to spread them on. I am also an avid cookbook collector, the count as of 10/01/2013 is 668. My sewing room had to renamed the cookbook room.....
Cooking Influences
My Mother was a good cook, she made a full dinner every night and we always ate dinner as a family. I worked hard to keep that tradition alive when my children were growing up. Mother could get weary from the daily cooking task, but loved making special things that were seasonal that she knew my Dad would enjoy, like hot pickled peppers. But my Grandmother Carter was an adventurer in the food world. She traveled after semi-retired and would be able to pick up a job cooking almost anywhere. She would work that job until bored or tired and move on. She had a creativity and a willingness to always make it work. During the war she used her sugar rations to make candy to sell and help support the family. Not a single item could not be made into something better. I learned pie crust secrets at her elbow, I hope to be like my Grandmother and finding my own willingness to be creative taking me in that direction.