About me
Cuisine Diva
I am the founder and editor of the Cuisine Diva site. Cuisine Diva is a blog containing information and recipes for food enthusiasts.
Herbs & Spices Writer
A few years ago I started writing articles for publications such as BackHome magazine, The Herb Quarterly, Veggie Life, The Essential Herbal and Llewellyn Publications annual Herbal Almanac. I have been the Herbs & Spices Feature Writer for Suite101.com since November, 2007.
Gardener and Cook
I have enjoyed cooking and gardening for many years. As a child I helped my mother weed her vegetable garden and always dreaded the zucchini harvest. We had so many zucchini from that garden that my mom even found a cookbook with over a 101 ways to cook zucchini including a recipe for chocolate zucchini cake. It was quite an interesting item for a young girls palate to experience but it didn’t make the zucchini disappear any faster.
When I was much older I commandeered my friends front yard and turned it into a garden which I filled with a plethora of bulbs and alpine plants. In the summer of 1991 I relocated to the south which was a bit of a shock. I went from a zone 4 garden in the Adirondack Mountains of New York to a zone 10 garden in south east, Florida.