About me
I'm a British cook who lives in the far west of the UK where the fruits of land and sea are all around. At the beginning of 2010 I started a blog because I wanted to research the many festivals and anniversaries that we have forgotten about and to make the food that is associated with them. So at www.feastsandfestivals.co.uk you will find all sorts of stuff - poetry, history, folk lore and most importantly food! I hope that people use it when they want to commemorate a special occasion and that even if you don't make the recipes, the stories behind our food will fascinate you as much as they fascinate me.
Because of the way my blog is written by date and event, the name of recipe does't appear in the title - so you have to browse - sorry. Still it adds to the fun - so get clicking!
Cooking Influences
My Grandma - running a country house kitchen at 17, my Aunt Fran, Jane Grigson, Darina Allen, MFK Fisher, Patience Gray, Arabella Boxer, Nigel Slater, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.