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Normandy Pork - Recipe Cost

Cost information for the following is not included. Normally this is because the quantity or ingredient is unknown
    knob of butter
1 x salt and freshly grnd black pepper
1 Tbsp. tapenade or possibly black olive paste
2 Tbsp. calvados (optional)
Ingredients Per Serving Qty Common Price Price per Serving
1 x thick pork fillet or possibly tenderloin weighing about 500g 1/4 pork
$4.49 per pound
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1 1/2 teaspoons
$5.99 per 16 fluid ounces
1 x tart green eating apple such as granny smith 1/4 eating apple
$4.79 per 12 1/2 ounces
1 sm onion finely minced 1/4 onion
$0.79 per pound
1 sm clv garlic crushed 1/4 garlic garlic
$4.00 per pound
150 ml dry cider 2 tablespoons
$1.99 per 1/2 gallons
150 ml double cream 2 tablespoons
$3.29 per quart
Total per Serving $0.64
Total Recipe $2.55
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