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All groups » North american » Diabetic

Chef Groups are small communities of members who share knowledge, recipes, and ideas around an area of common interest.
Sharper Image, Super Wave Oven Users Help?

Sharper Image, Super Wave Oven Users Help?

To share tried and true recipies for this unit since the company that makes them didn't... Right now, need Whole Roasted Turkey cooking times, temp,…

Betty Hopkins 22 members
0 recipes
Diabetic Beginner and I love to eat!

Diabetic Beginner and I love to eat!

Receipes for Diabetics for beginners in a hope to help me as well as someone else, I am just starting so it will take some time to build this up but I…

Phyllis Boudreaux 4 members
3 recipes



robin cook 4 members
26 recipes