This is a print preview of "Thai Fish Curry or Kaeng Khieu Wan Pla" recipe.

Thai Fish Curry or Kaeng Khieu Wan Pla Recipe
by Spicie Foodie

Thai Fish Curry or Kaeng Khieu Wan Pla

A very quick meal to use green curry paste with, Kaeng Khieu Wan Pla or green curry of fish.This hassle free dish is a great dinner year round.
In addition to the ease involved in this meal, it's also a healthy dinner,because fish is lower in calories than meat and it's cooked without oil. .....

Rating: 5/5
Avg. 5/5 2 votes
Prep time: Thailand Thai
Cook time: Servings: 4

Goes Well With: tea, ice tea, A cold beer

Wine and Drink Pairings: tea, A cold beer, Iced tea


  • Your Ingredients:
  • (serves 4)
  • Charmaine Solomon's Version:
  • 1 lb or 500 grams fish steaks
  • 2 1/2 cups coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons green curry paste
  • 2 sprig citrus leaves
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 TB fish sauce
  • 1 or 2 small green chillies, seeded and chopped(optional)
  • 2 TB finely chopped fresh basil,finely chopped
  • My variations:
  • 1 lb or 500 grams fish fillets (pangasius catfish)
  • Green curry paste, I make my own
  • I exchange the citrus leaves for 1 Tablespoon lime or lemon juice
  • For a milder version omit the chillies
  • exchange the fresh basil for fresh coriander
  • add a piece of ginger either sliced into thin strips or finely diced


  1. Wash the fish well , slice the ginger and chillies. Bring coconut milk to a slight boil with curry paste, stirring constantly. Add the fish, reduce heat and simmer with ginger, citrus leaves, salt and fish sauce until the fish i cooked through, about 15 minutes. If exchanging the citrus leaves for the lime/lemon juice, wait until the fish is cooked all the way through to add the juice otherwise it will slow down the cooking.
  2. Once the fish is cooked through, add chillies (optional) and fresh basil, and cook for another 5 minutes. I you are exchanging the basil for the fresh cilantro, add the cilantro on top when serving, or you can add both the basil and cilantro they go well together.
  3. Serve with steamed white rice and you're ready to enjoy!