This is a print preview of "Green Creamsicle Smoothie" recipe.

Green Creamsicle Smoothie Recipe
by Rawfully Tempting



Rawfully Tempting™: Green Creamsicle Smoothie

Simply delicious! This smoothie always brings me back to my childhood and Creamsicle phase. Now I can enjoy this magnificent vanilla/orange combo...and get my greens on too!

Pictured is the Creamsicle Smoothie without greens, topping the same recipe with greens. Both are equally delicious.

Creamsicle Smoothie (Green) Ingredients


Blend coconut water, meat and oranges.

Add water as needed.

Add remaining ingredients and blend until creamy.

Option: before adding greens, pour some of smoothie into another glass and set aside. Blend greens into remaining mixture. Now you have two colors to play with. Layer your smoothie for a spectacular presentation! Add some orange slices for garnish.

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