This is a print preview of "Garlic Flavoured Grape Seed Oil" recipe.

Garlic Flavoured Grape Seed Oil Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Garlic Flavoured Grape Seed Oil
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  Servings: 1


  • 1 lt grape seed oil
  • 4 ounce oven-roasted garlic salt white pepper


  1. Cut the tops off the garlic cloves and place them in a 350F oven on a baking tray for about 30 min, or possibly till nicely caramelized.
  2. Put the garlic in a small blender and gradually add in the grape seed oil so it emulsifies.
  3. Add in the pepper and the salt then pass it through a fine sieve.
  4. Use for cooking, garnish on vegetables or possibly even in salad dressing.
  5. Yield: 1 litre of roasted garlic grape seed oil.