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Updated Interview With Sarah Graham Recipe
by Tandy Sinclair

You may recall that I was lucky enough to have Sarah Graham answer my interview questions in 2013 and she graciously accepted an offer to answer the same questions again this year. It is amazing to see how people grow and this is why I love catching up with the same people over a period of time.

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

My parents, I can’t really pick one

What started you on the path of cooking?

Eating! I’ve always loved food. My Mom is an amazing cook and growing up on a farm we ate lots of simple, humble, delicious food. When I went to University in Cape Town a whole new world opened up to me and I started cooking a lot more because the variety of ingredients available was so exciting, there was a whole new world of flavours that I hadn’t encountered living on the farm.

Which three ingredients could you not live without?

Salt, lemons and avocados

Which of your kitchen tools would you take with you anywhere and everywhere?

My best knife, and my food processor

Do you have any pet peeves in the kitchen?

I hate wasting, and I don’t really like cooking in a messy kitchen (unless I’m baking with my daughters, in which case the more chaos the better

Which meal is your all time favourite?

It really depends on the weather and the occasion, but a simple Sunday roast always makes my heart smile, and a bowl of pasta steals my heart every time.

Which restaurant could you visit over and over again?

The Food Barn in Noordhoek is one of my very favourites.

If you could only have one recipe book, which one would it be?

An almost impossible question! I think getting the basics right is the most important part of cooking, because then your own inspirations can build on that good solid foundation, so probably something like Nigella’s ‘How To Eat’ or Delia’s Complete Cookery Course.

If you could work alongside one chef for a day who would that be?

Michel Roux or Marco Pierre-White

Which ingredient will you not eat or cook with?

I try not to cook or eat with any proteins that have been unkindly treated or sourced.

What is on top of your bucket list?

To eat my way around Italy in the summer.

What is your food philosophy?

Keep it simple, cook food that makes your heart smile, and food for feeding people you love.

Any parting words for the readers?

As above I think. Thanks for taking the time to interview me!

What I blogged July 15:


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