This is a print preview of "Sweet Potato Shoestring Fries #SundaySupper" recipe.

Sweet Potato Shoestring Fries #SundaySupper Recipe
by Grumpy's Honeybunch

Sweet Potato Shoestring Fries #SundaySupper

March 6, 2016 by Shelby Leave a Comment

Crispy and delicious with a touch of cinnamon, salt, and brown sugar. I never imagined I could make Sweet Potato Shoestring Fries as good as these!

This week, the Sunday Supper Tastemakers are sharing with you dishes made with Root Vegetables hosted by Cindy of Cindy’s Recipes and Writings. I’m excited to see all the great ideas and recipes this week!

I finally got myself a spiralizer! I can’t believe I waited this long because I am enamored with it! I absolutely love how you can make shoestring fries just by using this little ole machine This is probably the easiest recipe I have made for fries and I’m totally impressed that they came out with some crunch!

When thinking about this post and our topic, I could not help but think of my Great Aunt Helga. That lady loved her turnips! While I like turnips just fine, I love sweet potatoes more but I do wonder how turnips would turn out in a similar recipe (without the cinnamon and sugar of course).

After a couple of attempts at making these, I finally managed to get it right without burning them! These do need to be baked at a high heat to crisp them up, but you also have to keep a very close eye on them. Spread them out well on the pan and don’t let them lie on top of each other too much or you will have patches of crispy burnt fries with patches of not completely cooked fries.

I tossed these with just a little bit of canola oil, cinnamon, and brown sugar before baking. Then, after baking, I sprinkled with some pink crystal salts. These had the perfect amount of sweet, spice, and salt and Grumpy and I ate these, and these alone for lunch one day! I also flavored some with a little cayenne pepper to give it a heat factor.

How would you flavor your Sweet Potato Shoestring Fries?

Pre-heat oven to 415 degrees. To cut shoestring fries, use "c" blade on spiralizer. In a medium sized bowl, toss potatoes, oil, cinnamon, and brown sugar blend together. Spread out onto parchment lined cookie sheet into single layers - try not to let too many potatoes lie on top of each other. Place in oven and bake for 15 minutes. Turn potatoes over and bake another 5-10 minutes. Watch potatoes carefully as they can burn easily. Remove from oven and sprinkle with salt. Serve. Nutrition Information Calories: 183 Fat: 7 Saturated fat: 1 Carbohydrates: 32 Sugar: 10 Fiber: 4 Protein: 2 Cholesterol: 0 3.5.3208




