This is a print preview of "Stuffed Boneless Pork Chops!!!" recipe.

Stuffed Boneless Pork Chops!!! Recipe
by Catherine Pappas

Stuffed Boneless Pork Chops!!!

These chops are delicious and make any dinner a celebration.

With Love,


Rating: 5/5
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Prep time: United States American
Cook time: Servings: 5


  • Boneless Pork Loin – slice each pork chop about 2 inches thick
  • This recipe is for approximately 5-6 pork chops.
  • Coating:
  • ½ cup of flour
  • ½ cup cornmeal
  • 2 eggs
  • Vegetable oil – for frying
  • Stuffing:
  • Healthy handful of fresh Italian parsley
  • 5 – Sun dried tomatoes
  • ¼ cup grated Romano cheese
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 4 slices of bread - toasted
  • Olive oil - a drizzle


  1. Place all of the ingredients for the stuffing in a food processor and give a few good chops, leaving the stuffing slightly coarse.
  2. Carefully slice a pocket in the pork chop for stuffing.
  3. In a shallow dish combine the flour and cornmeal and in another shallow bowl the egg -wash.
  4. Dip the pork chops first in the cornmeal-flour and then in the egg-wash and back in the cornmeal-flour dish.
  5. Next fill each chop using a teaspoon.
  6. Heat a large frying pan with about one inch of vegetable oil.
  7. Carefully, place the prepared pork chops in the hot oil. Turn the chops only once to cook on each side to a beautiful golden color.
  8. You may finish cooking the chops in a 350 degree oven, after both sides are golden, for a few minutes.