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Steak with Herb Butter Recipe
by Midnight Baker

Steak with Herb Butter

Herb butters are all the rage. Easy to make and delicious!

Lately I've been seeing herb butters for seasoning cropping up everywhere--not only for meats and fish but in sweet baked goods as well.

In fact, a blogging pal of mine, Heather T. has a great recipe for cupcakes using basil! This refreshing treat may be found on her blog Sugar Dish Me.

These flavored butters have many uses, from meats to veggies. Any herb or combination of herbs may be used to suit your taste. Of course the amount of fresh herbs you use will depend on your personal taste and the herb being used.

For instance, strongly flavored herbs such as sage, basil and thyme, I'd start out with a small amount, taste and add as needed. More lightly flavored herbs such as chives, dill, parsley and cilantro I would personally double from the "standard" formula I give here.

Whether you use unsalted or salted butter is up to you as well. I chose salted here.

I used basil and I used it on steak. Wouldn't dill be great with salmon? Dying to try that one.

One tip on grilled steak--fight the urge--I sure had to--to eat this immediately when it comes off the grill. Let it rest at least 5 minutes before you eat it. Picked up this tip from Chef Madeleine Dee and it's a goodie. Visit her site for more great practical tips and some of the best recipes you'll find on the net.

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

Steak with Herb Butter