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Slow cooker beef chili Recipe
by Julianne Puckett

I feel slightly disloyal by posting this chili recipe.

One of my favorite easy recipes -- and one of yours as well, given how many times it has been viewed and pinned -- is my crockpot turkey chili with butternut squash. It's my go-to lazy day recipe in the fall.

So I tried to keep it quiet when I decided to try a beef chili. I just assumed that there was no way it would be as good as my turkey chili and I could just move on.

Well, clearly I didn't move on.

Now, I'm not going to say that one is better than the other. They are distinctly different. The beef chili is old school with a twist, while the turkey chili is new school (so to speak) with old-school comfort and feel.

I will not make you choose. There will be no contest. There will be no declaring a winner or calling one superior or even the best (I reserve "best" for the cornbread that you will want to make to go with either chili -- best EVAH).

It all depends what you're in the mood for: nouveau or traditional.

Today, we're talking traditional. Beef, beans, chili powder -- the whole nine yards.

What I particularly loved about this chili was that it was hearty and not too spicy (you can increase the heat with jalapenos if you have a bolder palate than I), and the toppings provided a cool, flavorful complement. Plus it's still a set-it-and-forget-it crockpot meal.

And, as with any great chili, it was just as good leftover and it freezes well. Booyah.

If you're a fan of my turkey chili, I urge you to give this one a try. And then let me know what you think: The Ninj wants to know.

Slow Cooker Beef Chili (inspired by Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook)



Cook the beef, onion and pepper in a skillet until the meat is just cooked. Drain off the fat/grease and place the mixture in the slow cooker. Add the remaining ingredients, give it all a stir and then cook on low for about 8 hours (feel free to stir it occasionally if you're around -- if you're not, no worries). Once it's done, season to taste with salt.

Serve topped with cheese, sour cream, olives and avocado.