This is a print preview of "Simple Cauliflower Pappu" recipe.

Simple Cauliflower Pappu Recipe
by Uma

Today I am blogging about a simple but delicious pappu (daal) made with cauliflower. This is an ultimate comfort food for any day.



Pressure-cook toor dal until 3-4 whistles.

Meanwhile, heat oil in a bowl/pan and add mustard seeds. When they splutter add cumin seeds.

Then add cauliflower + tomato + green chilies, pour little water and leave it on medium flame until the veggies cook well.

When the veggies become soft, add the cooked toor dal and mix well. To this add turmeric powder + hing and mix well. Add little more water, if needed.

Finally add cilantro + salt and mix well. When dal comes to a boil, turn off the flame.

Transfer the cooked dal to a serving bowl and enjoy. It goes well with rice/chapathi.

On a Different Note:

Have you ever read a story written by a kid? As you already knew my 10-year old has her own blog called “Crazy World of Art” where she shares her art works, craft works and stories. She couldn’t update her blog for many days due to school work, but now she got some time and she posted a beautiful story. Please encourage her by visiting her blog and leaving your precious comments. I think kids would definitely enjoy this story told by a kid. Thank you!! Here is the link: