This is a print preview of "Shrimp & Samphire Stir-Fry" recipe.

Shrimp & Samphire Stir-Fry Recipe
by Cavegirl Cuisine

I found these at Whole Foods labeled “Mexican Sea Beans”; however, later learned that they also go by samphire, which seems to be the more widely accepted term. They are an edible plant growing in coastal and marsh areas. Because of this, I think it is because of this, they are very salty. Don’t add salt to a dish when you use these ~ there will be plenty. If I’m being honest, they weren’t horrible, but I probably wouldn’t buy them again. I love trying new foods (new to me!) and sometimes I’m sold and sometimes once is enough! But, if you love them, here you go…!



Heat sesame oil in a wok or skillet over medium heat. Add shrimp, mushrooms, and samphire. Cook until mushrooms start to soften and shrimp is heated through. Add sesame seeds and boy choy for the last minute of cooking, just enough to slightly wilt the bok choy.

Divide into 2-4 bowls (depending on how hungry you are!).
