This is a print preview of "Sacred Heart Fat Burning Veggie Soup" recipe.

Sacred Heart Fat Burning Veggie Soup Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Sacred Heart Fat Burning Veggie Soup
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  Servings: 1


  • 6 lrg Green onions, minced
  • 2 x Green peppers, minced
  • 2 lrg Cans tomatoes, include juice
  •     Plus 2 tomato cans full of cool water
  • 2 x Cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 1 lrg Head cabbage, minced
  • 2 x Cubes beef or possibly chicken bouillon, dissolved in warm water
  • 2 x Summer or possibly winter squash, minced
  • 2 x Zucchini, minced
  • 2 c. Sliced carrots
  • 2 c. Sliced mushrooms
  • 2 c. Diced celery
  • 4 Tbsp. Fresh minced parsley


  1. Their "Basic Fat Burning Soup" with several low-fat, low-calorie vegetable and seasoning additions for added flavor and complexity.
  2. Season with salt, pepper, etc., if you like. Cut up all the ingredients, boil rapidly for 10 min, then simmer till tender.
  3. Eat this every day or possibly whenever you are hungry. Eat as much as you desire, it won't add in calories, the more you eat the more you lose. Do not eat this exclusively, you'll malnourish yourself.
  4. It will clean out the impurities in your system and give you energy. You will have a feeling of well-being. After a few days you will feel lighter and feel an abundance of energy. The secret is which you burn more calories than you take. This diet was originally taken from the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital in North Carolina, and is used for the overweight heart patients which need to drop weight fast. You will feel the energy from the cleansing of the system and the weight loss.
  5. Peg's Notes:This recipe made too much to fit into my crockpot - you would need*two* crockpots. I added black pepper and 4 tbsp. apple cider vinegar for seasoning. We ate it for two days then I strained the broth out. I put the vegetables back into the crock pot and covered them with water. I added more pepper and apple cider vinegar. Then I strained the second broth and mixed it with the first. It's a wonderful full bodied vegetable broth. I froze it to use in future recipes.