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Ricotta Orange Chocolate torta cake {GF option also} Recipe
by Foodessa

Ricotta Orange Chocolate torta cake {GF option also}

Inspired by a cake Hubby and I had in a 'Pensione' in Sardinia, Italy. This recipe was re-created from just a few memorable bites.
. NON-GLUTEN version: The amount of All-Purpose Flour can also be substituted fully with the exact quantity of Sorghum flour. GF baking powder should be used as well.
For a dedicated post...refer to:

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  Italy Italian
Cook time: Servings: 8 pieces


  • .>American / Metric measures<
  • . 1-1/4 cup (300g) fresh Ricotta cheese
  • . 1 cup (210g) granulated sugar
  • . 2 cups (285g) All-Purpose flour
  • . 1 tbsp. (15ml) baking powder
  • . 2 tsp. (10ml) ground cinnamon spice
  • . pinch of salt
  • . 1/2 cup (90gr) bittersweet(65%) chocolate pastilles*
  • . 3 large eggs
  • . 3 tbsp. (45ml) frozen orange concentrate, thawed
  • . 1 tbsp. (15ml) apple cider vinegar (optional)
  • . * The CHOCOLATE pastilles (premium chocolate chips): come from the French Chocolate house of Michel Cluizel. My preference is a 65% bittersweet cacao from Madagascar. This can be found in specialty chocolate or pastry shops.


  1. . Use a 9 inch (22-23cm) spring form cake pan. Pre-heat the oven at 350F/180C/Gas4. Position the rack in the center of the oven. Lightly oil the spring form cake pan and set aside.
  2. . In a medium bowl, prepare the dry (sifted-preferable) ingredients except the chocolate pastilles. Set aside.
  3. . In another large bowl, beat the ricotta and the sugar with an electric beater until smooth and creamy. Add the eggs (one at the time) while beating. Add the orange concentrate and the apple cider vinegar. Gradually add the flour mix into the batter while fully combining and being careful not to over beat. With a spatula, fold in the chocolate pastilles. Pour the batter into the cake pan. With a spatula, lightly spread the batter and tap the pan down a few times to liberate bubbles.
  4. . Bake for 40-45 minutes in a light colored baking pan or 35-40 minutes in a darker one. Remove from the oven and let the pan rest on a rack for about 15 more minutes before passing a spatula around the perimeter and unclipping the pan's clasp.
  5. . This cake is best enjoyed at room temperature. Do not leave it out for more than four days. Big slices of cake freeze very well. If not, refrigerate the rest for no more than a week. The cake can later be lightly warmed up on very low heat for a few minutes before serving.
  6. . Happy baking and flavourful