This is a print preview of "Pumpkin Sage Cake–for a loaf or bundt pan" recipe.

Pumpkin Sage Cake–for a loaf or bundt pan Recipe
by Laura Tabacca

Pumpkin Sage Cake–for a loaf or bundt pan

November 27, 2014 by Laura 1 Comment

Unexpected, sophisticated and delicious, Pumpkin Sage Cake is a wonderful addition to your pumpkin baking repertoire. Affiliate links have been used in this post to link to items I am discussing.

. At the time, I was looking for a quick bread to make as a thank you gift for a colleague of John’s, so I split the cake into 2 loaf cakes.

Chattman makes the cake with walnuts, but I decided to leave the nuts out. If I were making this as a dessert bundt cake, especially for an occasion like Thanksgiving, I might choose to add some sort of glaze, maybe even with sage leaves infused into it. But since I was serving it as more of a snack or tea cake, I left the cake unadorned. My kids devoured our loaf for breakfast over a day or 2, and John told me his colleague really liked the cake as well. Because I barely changed anything in the recipe, I am linking you to it at Fine Cooking.

Happy Thanksgiving!