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Pistachio Cranberry and Crystallized Ginger Cookies src Recipe
by Turnips2Tangerines

Welcome to The Secret Recipe Club Cookie Carnival 2014~

Today's Recipe is: Pistachio Cranberry and Crystallized Ginger Cookies from Hapa-tite Nicole is twenty-something living in the DC Metro Area. Her blog focuses on: restaurants, recipes, bento, cookbooks, tea and cocktails. Sounds good to me:) The recipe I decided to make was for one of those recipes that after I read the ingredients, I went hmm, interesting....I love recipes that make me go hmm:) I cut the recipe in half, only because I didn't have enough pistachios, I thought I had a full bag of pistachios, but lo and behold the bag was almost empty! I'm pretty sure my hubby got into the pistachios even though he said it wasn't him:) I also added 1/4 cup of almond butter to make up for the lack of pistachios. The result....These cookies were delicious!! Flavorful, crisp, quick and easy to make, just like a cookie should be.

1. In a food processor, set aside 3 T pistachios, grind remaining pistachios with 1 T vegetable oil. Add almond butter, combine well. Coarsely chop remaining 3 T pistachios, set aside.

2. In a bowl with an electric mixer, combine the butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the egg yolk and vanilla. Beat in the pistachio mixture until incorporated.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk together flour and baking soda. Slowly add to butter/pistachio mixture. Mix in remaining pistachios, dried cranberries and ginger.

4 Divide into a log. Wrap in plastic wrap. Chill for 30 minutes. (I chilled the dough for several hours) 5. Slice the dough into pieces and shape or press into a circular shape.

6. Place 2 inches apart on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

7. Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes.

8. Let cool on pan for 5 minutes, transfer to a cooling rack.

Garnish with pistachios, cranberries and crystallized ginger, if desired.