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Paneer Sandwich Recipe
by Praveen Kumar

An easy to make delicious homemade sandwich with paneer. Ideal for school lunch, office lunch, picnics or as an evening snack.


Paneer – 300 gms, cut into small cubes or grated


1. Heat oil in a non-stick pan.

2. Stir fry the paneer for 60 seconds.

3. Lower the heat.

4. Add the spices and tomato puree. Mix well.

5. Cook over low heat for one minute more, stir gently so that the paneer pieces do not crumble.

6. Sprinkle coriander leaves, remove and keep aside.

7. Spread butter (or mayonnaise or cheese spread) on the bread slices.

8. Place some of the filling on one slice of bread and spread evenly.

9. Cover with another slice and cut into half.

10. If you want, you can grill these sandwiches as well.

11. Serve with chutney or sauce.

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