This is a print preview of "Palak Keerai Sambar" recipe.

Palak Keerai Sambar Recipe
by Praveen Kumar


Toor Dal – 2 tblsp

Palak Keerai – 2 tblsp, finely chopped

Asafoetida Powder – a pinch


1. Heat a pressure pan over medium flame.

2. Add toor dal, keerai, potatoes, turmeric powder, salt, sambar powder, cumin powder and tamarind extract.

3. Bring to a boil.

4. Add tomatoes and coriander leaves.

5. Stir well and simmer for a minute.

6. Remove from flame.

7. Fry the tempering ingredients in ghee and add to the sambar.

8. Serve hot.

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