This is a print preview of "Oven Fried Rabbit" recipe.

Oven Fried Rabbit Recipe
by Turnips2Tangerines

Oven Fried Rabbit

Our neighbor is an avid fisherman and hunter.

He recently stopped by and asked if we would like

to try some rabbit....I wasn't to keen on the idea at first but

I'm always willing to try anything once....

Did you know?


The domesticated member of the rabbit family,

have fine-textured flesh that is almost totally white meat.

They're plumper and less strongly flavored than their wild counterparts.

A mature rabbit averages between 3 and 5 pounds,

much smaller than its relative the Hare (typically between 6 and 12 pounds)

Fresh and frozen rabbit is available dressed either whole or cut into serving pieces.

The best will be young and weigh between 2 and 2 1/2 pounds and

should have light colored flesh,

these are the most tender and mild-flavored.

Rabbit can be prepared in any manner suitable for young chicken,

such as: frying, grilling or roasting.

Older or wild rabbits benefit from moist-heat cooking such as braising.

Along with 2 rabbits,

my neighbor gave me this recipe..

his favorite way to prepare rabbit..

I have to admit...

this rabbit recipe was fantastic and

I was so glad we gave it a try...

Will I prepare rabbit again?

Most definitely!

Rabbit has a very mild, wild flavor and

can best be compared to chicken.

Some people prefer to marinate rabbit

overnight in a solution of:

1 part vinegar or lemon juice to

3 parts salad oil,

season with spices such as:

garlic,onion, thyme, bay leaves, or

celery seed.

Marinate for 12 hours.

Marinating will give the rabbit a milder flavor

as well as tenderize the meat fibers.

Marinate Rabbit

In a large ziplock baggie add:

1 rabbit, cut into serving pieces

To baggie add:

Cover and bake at 350 ยบ for hours

At the end of 45 minutes, turn each piece over

Add water and thinly sliced onion continue baking until done.

Rabbit, Fried, Marinade