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Old Fashioned Tapioca Pudding Recipe
by Patricia Stagich

Old Fashioned Tapioca Pudding

One of my mom's and my favorite desserts growing up was tapioca pudding. You don't see it that much anymore. Tapicoa pudding is one of those comfort foods that brings back happy childhood memories and it's really easy to make.


Combine tapioca, milk, and salt in a medium size saucepan on medium-high heat. Stir frequently until boiling. Simmer 5 minutes, uncovered at the lowest possible heat, adding sugar gradually.

Beat eggs in a separate bowl. Mix in some of the hot tapioca very slowly to temper the eggs. Return eggs to the pan with the tapioca. Slowly bring mixture barely to a boil stirring constantly. Reduce heat and stir several minutes until the pudding thickens. Cool 15 minutes. Add vanilla. Serve warm or chilled.


Serves 4-6