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Mussels with french fries and garlic Recipe
by nnonna2003

Mussels with french fries and garlic
Rating: 4.5/5
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  United Kingdom British
  Servings: 1


  • 250g french fries
  • 300g mussels without shells
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • pepper
  • 100 ml oil
  • salt
  • green raw chilli
  • savory


  1. 1.Chop the garlic and stew it in oil.
  2. 2.Wash,take out the seeds and cut in round slices green chilli.
  3. 3.Add with garlic and put,also the shells.
  4. 4.Stew till they are nice and brown.
  5. 5.Serve with french fries and mayonnaise.