This is a print preview of "Meatball Stroganoff; Books; The Update" recipe.

Meatball Stroganoff; Books; The Update Recipe
by Katie Zeller

I unpacked a few more books yesterday.

All fiction. My cookbooks, language books, computer books, garden books, etc, have all been unpacked for awhile.

I have, roughly 150 books of fiction unpacked, and a poor selection, I might add.

I have, when all my books are unpacked, a library of somewhere between 1750 and 2000 works of fiction.

In the past, when all of my books were available to me at all times, I had nothing to read.

I would regularly spend time on Amazon, searching for something new.

I would regularly get big boxes from Amazon.

Now that I only have a fraction unpacked.....

I'm so excited! I can't believe how much I have to read. I looked at each one like a long-lost friend and can't wait to get started.

Do you think I need help?

Early update this week - tomorrow is Bread Baking Babes Day (mark your calendar)

We decided to paint, rather than paper in the living room. The walls were in really good shape for a change.... And there were some really good sales on paint.

The turquoise around the door will not be staying.

The floor is started. Every one of those 2 x 2's you see on the floor has to be either shaved or shimmed to get the floor level. Once all those are in place, insulation goes down and a wood floor on top. Then it will be level with the rest of the house.

I've been on a meatball kick lately. I'm working on '101 Ways With Meatballs'. I've decided I can substitute meatballs for just about any other type or cut of meat.

Meatball Stroganoff

The Meatballs

Peel and vertically slice the onion into thick wedges. Brush any dirt off the mushroom and slice - trimming off the tough stem ends.

Heat 1 tbs oil in large nonstick skillet. Add paprika, onions and sauté for 5 minutes. Add mushrooms and continue to sauté until onions are tender, about 10 minutes longer. Remove to a plate.

Heat beef broth in the skillet. When simmering, add the meatballs, cover and cook until done, about 10 minutes. Add onions, mushrooms, thyme and mustard to skillet, cover and simmer 5 minutes.

Dissolve cornstarch in water and stir into pan. Continue stirring until quite thick. Remove from heat, add yogurt, mix thoroughly. Serve over Brown Rice.

And now...

I just discovered that my vegetable freezer quit working.....

It's a full-size, upright freezer, chock full of vegetables from my summer garden.

Everything is thawed, still cool, but thawed.

I haven't a clue what I'm going to do with it all....
