This is a print preview of "Lemon Lime Muffins" recipe.

Lemon Lime Muffins Recipe
by Jerry Russell

After the rave reviews my family lauded on the 3 ingredient muffins we made a few weeks ago, I was itching to take that base recipe and try something new with it. Seriously, there are no end of options. This is a recipe that begs for modifications. You can make these sweet or savory just as easily. The ideas just kept rolling around in my head. What to make? What to add? It was maddening.

It wasn’t until Kristina of Spabettie dropped me a comment that I knew what I was going to try next. She said that she made those muffins, but made them with SODA, not beer…

Soda you say? Well now.

Having decided on lemon lime as a base, I decided that I might as well up the flavor by adding some juice and zest from actual lemons and limes as well. That decision made all the difference. These aren’t just good muffins, they’re crazy-good, incredibly good muffins.

Honestly, these are so good that I have a difficult time describing just how good they are. There are conflicting things happening on the palate that aren’t easy to describe. The first nibble is soft, pillowy and just a bit sweet, but by the end of the bite the lemon and lime sort of sneak in. It’s a subtle thing at first but becomes more pronounced the more you have. The final note is sweetness, but in that cool, citrusy refreshing kind of way.

Just trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

Lemon Lime Muffins


Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray muffin tins with cooking spray or grease well.

In a large mixing bowl, combine baking mix and sugar well. Add lemon zest and lime zest, juices and soda. Mix until combined (Batter will be thick.)

Fill greased muffin tins 3/4 full and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean.

Cool on wire racks. Serve at room temperature.

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What I would have done differently had I thought of it at the time:

Actually, the basic 3 ingredient muffin recipe is so versatile that I’m finding it difficult to NOT want to try something new with it. Expect many more variations to come!


baking mix,




kid friendly,



