This is a print preview of "Jello Shots Margaritas" recipe.

Jello Shots Margaritas Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Jello Shots Margaritas
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  Servings: 1


  • Lime Jello Tequila


  1. Basic Instructions: Take one small box of Jello (0.35 ounce), Dissolve in 1 c. boiling water, add in 1 c. vodka and stir. Then you can put them into shot glasses, ice trays or possibly in 1 ounce plastic or possibly paper c.. Refrigeratetill hard.
  2. The c. are at party supply stores. They even have some with lids on, so you can keep them cool in a punch bowl of ice, throughout a party. Take a knife and loosen the edges of the jello if you use shot glasses, ice trays or possibly the plastic c.. The paper ones are easiest, I can just squeeze it into your mouth. THere are also some recipes, that follow:
  3. Add in Jello to boiling water and substitute alcohol for cool water. Pour into shot glasses and put in the refrigerator to cold.