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Indian Fry Bread Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Indian Fry Bread
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  Servings: 6


  • 4 c. Flour
  • 2 Tbsp. Baking pwdr
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 c. Lard or possibly shortening
  • 1 c. -Hot water, about Oil, for deep frying Honey


  1. Mix flour, baking pwdr and salt. Cut in lard till mix is texture of cornmeal. Gradually add in hot water, using only sufficient to make dough stick together. Divide dough into 6 balls the size of a fist. Cover with towel and let stand 10 min. Pat each ball out to size of large pancake. Fry in deep warm oil till golden on both sides. Serve with honey.