This is a print preview of "Homemade Loaded Weight Watchers Friendly Pizza" recipe.

Homemade Loaded Weight Watchers Friendly Pizza Recipe
by Nicole Sherman

Homemade Loaded Weight Watchers Friendly Pizza

This pizza is amazing when you are just trying to feel

normal while watching what you are eating. This pizza makes 8 slices, two

slices per person, and if you are following Weight Watchers that is 4 points

per slice.

So 8 points per person. I served the two slices of pizza

with a large salad to make the meal more filling but not be so killer in points

that it wasn’t do-able.

I have to admit I loved this idea! It was fantastic and easy

and like I said before it made me feel a little normal again.

Obviously the points and calories will vary depending on the

crust and topping you use to make your pizza.

1 Mama Mary’s Thin and Crispy Pizza Crust


Line a pizza pan with tin foil then spray with cooking spray

Cover entire crust with pizza sauce

Cover the pizza crust with pepperoni

Spread vegetables evenly over the crust

Top entire pizza with cheese

Bake according to pizza crust directions

Divide pizza into 8 slices.

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