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Cost information for the following is not included. Normally this is because the quantity or ingredient is unknown
3 Tbs Nutritional Yeast
Ingredients Per Serving Qty Common Price Price per Serving
The original recipe on the box is.... SMILES! I love that. 1/4 on
$0.35 per item
1 cup chickpea flour 1/4 cup
$2.63 per 22 ounces
2 Tsp Italian Olive Oil (extra virgin is preferred) 1/2 teaspoon
$5.99 per 16 fluid ounces
1 Tsp Baking Soda (make sure it’s fresh) 1/4 teaspoon
$2.59 per 10 ounces
1/4 – 1/2 Tsp Onion Powder (see what you like best) 1/6 teaspoon
$0.79 per pound
1/4 Tsp Turmeric 0.06 teaspoon
$6.99 per 16 ounces
Dash Of Paprika (not required) 1/4 pinch
$1.79 per ounce
1/4 cup water 1 tablespoon
Total per Serving $0.24
Total Recipe $0.95
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