I must avoid soy products, yet every jar of mayo at the grocery contains soybean oil. So I make my own and to rave reviews!
You need a good blender for this recipe. I use the Vitamix, and it takes about 20 seconds.
- ¾ cup pasteurized eggs or egg substitute
- 1 tsp Kosher salt
- 1 tsp dried mustard
- 4 Tbsp. white wine vinegar
- 2 cups canola or safflower oil (approximately)
- • Add the egg substitute, salt, dried mustard, and vinegar to the container of the Vitamix. Secure lid and mix just until blended.
- • Remove the plug in the lid of the Vitamix. Start processing on Variable Speed 1 and slowly add the oil.
- • Increase the speed to Variable Speed 5 or 6 and process just until the mixture thickens. The sound of the machine’s motor will change. Amount of oil varies, but stop when you reach the consistency you want.
- • Immediately turn off the Vitamix. Scrape mayonnaise out of the container into a jar.
- • Date the jar and discard after 4 weeks...if you still have any after 4 weeks. ☺
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