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Grapefruit Butter Cake Recipe
by Anncoo

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» Grapefruit Butter Cake

Grapefruit Butter Cake

This grapefruit butter cake is something I've wanted to make when I saw Jane's post of this recipe a few weeks ago. It's really a simple, soft butter cake but the addition of grapefruit juice, zest, pulp and orange liqueur gives the cake a mild citrus flavour. You certainly will not stop at one. Thank you Jane for sharing this recipe. I definitely will make this cake again.

Grapefruit Butter Cake

Ingredients: (adapted from Jane's Corner with slight adjustment)


Line and grease a 7" baking pan. Pre-heat the oven 180C.

Sieve flour together with salt and set aside.

Beat butter and half of the sugar until light and fluffy. Add in yolk one at a time. Beat well after adding each one. Then add in grapefruit juice and zest, mix well.

Lower speed, add in flour gradually. Mix well add in grapefruit pulp, fold with a spatula and set it aside.

In another clean bowl, whisk egg white with the balance of sugar on high speed until soft peaks.

Fold in the egg whites into the butter mixture until well blended. Do not over-do it or the egg whites will deflate.

Pour into the prepared cake pan and bake for 45 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when tested. (note: covering loosely with aluminium foil after 30 minutes when the cake starts to turn brown)

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