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Gluten Free Meatloaf Recipe
by Abisaac Saraga

No no no I do not mean Meatloaf the singer, you know the guy who plays Eddie in the cult classic "Rocky Horror Picture Show". While I do love that movie, I am now talking about meatloaf the food, often eaten for dinner. Ha!

I am not usually one to jump up and down with excitement at the idea of meatloaf. I know that it's hearty, it's healthy (usually) and generally viewed as an "easy to make" dinner, however I have often found it to be lacking in the flavor department. One might even say "boring". That being said, I admit I haven't really tried very hard to add flavor to it either. Instead I have simply put meatloaf into that list of things that I do not enjoy eating.

HOWEVER.... this one looks & sounds tasty. I haven't yet tried it and I'm sure you could jazz it up with more flavors and spices etc as well to make it taste even better, but I wanted to share it with you all anyway.

Goat Cheese Stuffed Meatloaf

Courtesy of Planet Organic November Newsletter

Preheat oven to 350 F, prepare a 9 x 5 loaf pan.

Now, although these ingredient are my own additions. I am imagining that they would jazz it up and make it even more flavorful. But remember these are not tried and tested yet. Just my own musings so far.

I would add also:

1 garlic clove, minced

2 tsp Italian Seasoning

1) Mix all ingredients together (except cheese, butter and ketchup/tomato paste). Do not over mix. Pat meat mixture into rectangle (about 10' square) on a piece of plastic wrap or aluminum foil. To prepare goat cheese, put into a small bowl and mix into a smooth paste with 1 tbsp of butter. Spread the goat cheese mixture across the top of the meat mixture in a neat stripe (approximately 3" from the top).

2) Roll like a giant sushi roll (don't get the foil caught in the roll) Gently place in the loaf pan. Mix butter, ketchup/tomato paste together and spread a thin layer on top of the loaf.

3) Bake at 350F for 45 minutes - 1 hour.

Yields 6 servings.

I am eager to hear if others have tried this recipe and what you think of it. It is on my list of new recipes to try, but as said before, I just haven't had a chance yet to try this one.

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