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Gatte ki Subzi Recipe
by Aparna Anurag

Gatte ki Subzi

by Aparna Anurag Updated February 7,2014


Today's dish is one of very famous Rajasthani recipes that most of you might have heard about. It is called Gatte Ki Sabzi. This is one the recipes of Rajasthan without which a Rajasthani thali is simply incomplete.

Prep Time: 40 min

Cook Time: 45 min

Total Time: 1 hr 30 min

Recipe type: Vegetarian side dish

Cuisine: Indian

Serves: 4-5 persons



1)In a large bowl, mix besan flour, salt to taste, ajwain seeds,

kasuri methi, turmeric powder, red chilli powder and mix well.

2)Now keep sprinkling water and knead to form into a firm and

smooth dough. Add 2 tsp of oil to the dough and knead again. Shape the dough

into cylindrical rolls .

3)In a wide large bowl add 3 cup's of water and let it boil, once

the water starts to boil, put the roll into the water and let the roll cook for

about 15 minutes at high flame.

4)Once the gatte roll is cooked, remove the gatte separately from

the water and let it cool down. Once cooled, slice the gatte into 1/2 inch

round pieces.

5)Once you have sliced the gatte's, it is optional to fry the

gatte's in oil. If you are frying the gatte's they may break up in the oil a

little. After frying, they become little crisper, this way you can ensure that

the gatte's are fully cooked.

1)Heat a cup of water, put the 2 tomatoes in it and let it

boil for 5 minutes, so that the tomato skin peel's a little. Drain the

tomatoes, cool them, peel it's skin, grind them into a smooth tomato puree and

set aside.

2)Heat a pan, add ghee, cumin seeds, hing and roast well. Then add

the tomato puree and let it boil well and gets thickened for about 1 or 2

minutes. Reduce the flame.

3)Take a cup of curd and beat the curd well. Now add this beaten

curd to the gravy in low flame and mix well. Then add turmeric powder, red

chilly powder, corriander powder, cumin powder, Garam Masala (optional) to the

gravy and mix well.

4)Now add the Gatte and let the mix keep bubbling in low flame for

about 5-10 minutes, till you see the oil on the sides of the gravy.

5)Remove the gravy from slow flame and garnish with corriander


Video description of Gatte ki Subzi