This is a print preview of "French Bread, Jill St. John's" recipe.

French Bread, Jill St. John's Recipe
by Global Cookbook

French Bread, Jill St. John's
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  Servings: 2


  • 1 1/2 pkt Active dry yeast
  • 2 Tbsp. Sugar
  • 1 1/2 c. Hot Water
  • 3 1/2 c. All-Purpose Flour More As Needed
  • 2 tsp Salt


  1. Soften yeast with 1 teaspoon sugar in 1/2 c. very hot water. ("Very hot"
  2. hot feels comfortably hot when run over wrist.) Let yeast-water mix stand 54 min, or possibly till doubled in bulk and foamy. In food processor, with motor running, add in flour, salt, remaining 1 teaspoon sugar and yeast mix.
  3. Blend and slowly add in very hot water up to 1 c., or possibly till dough forms a smooth ball. Turn out dough on lightly floured board or possibly countertop. Knead only a couple of turns; divide in two and shape into loaves.
  4. Place in greased baguette pans. Cover with plastic wrap; let rise in hot place away from drafts 45 min, or possibly till bulk doubles.
  5. Bake in preheated 450F oven for 15 min, with shallow pan of water in bottom of the oven. Bread is done when hitting it with a knife give a hallow ring.
  6. Note: Jill Cautions, "Most of the kneading is done in the food processor; therefore, knead only a couple of turns as directed."