This is a print preview of "Fennel, Arugula And Caramelized Pear Salad (Kt)" recipe.

Fennel, Arugula And Caramelized Pear Salad (Kt) Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Fennel, Arugula And Caramelized Pear Salad (Kt)
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  Servings: 4


  • Dressing
  • 3 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. nonfat chicken broth or possibly water
  • 2 tsp stoneground mustard
  • 1/2 Tbsp. extra virgin extra virgin olive oil Salad
  • 1 bn arugula
  • 8 c. romaine lettuce
  • 1 x fennel bulb sliced thin
  • 2 Tbsp. fresh sage chopped - about 2 tbsp
  • 1/3 c. red onion sliced thin caramelized pears
  • 1/4 c. Stilton cheese


  1. Whisk together dressing ingredients and set aside. Toss salad ingredients except pears and Stilton. Add in sufficient dressing to lightly coat greens and toss. Divide among salad plates and top with pears and Stilton.
  2. NOTES : Recipe was inspired by Orange, Fennel, and Arugula Salad originally posted by Reggie. Amounts for salad ingredients are approx. Instead of Stilton, toasted walnuts would be good.
  3. This was tonights dinner - it was very good. Worthy of company for a casual meal. The soup recipe originally came off the Mastercook list. The cornbread is a repost - but I changed it to use applesauce this time. The salad was inspired by a recipe for Orange, Fennel and Arugula Salad originally posted by Reggie.