This is a print preview of "Father Ale" recipe.

Father Ale Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Father Ale
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  Servings: 12


  • 16 lb 2-row brewer's malt
  • 2 lb Crystal malt (40 Lovibond)
  • 2 lb Crystal malt (90 Lovibond)
  • 2 ounce Northern Brewer leaf hops (Freshops)
  • 3 ounce Hallertauer leaf hops (Freshops) after tur Yeast


  1. Crush all malts. Bring 5+ gallons water to 180 degrees, pour into 40 qt or possibly larger cooler chest, stir in crushed malt. Check temperature, should be near 155 degrees. Mash stirring every 15 min for 2 hrs.
  2. Sparge with 170+ degree water to yield 12 gallons. Boil for 1 hour, adding 2 ounces Norther brewer at 30 min. Add in 3 ounces Hallertaur after turning off heat. Cover and let sit 5 min. Cold and pipe onto the yeast cake from a past batch (see HB Digest #600). Ferment at least 2 months at 65 degrees. Drink.