This is a print preview of "English Muffin Bread - Secret Recipe Club Post" recipe.

English Muffin Bread - Secret Recipe Club Post Recipe
by Grumpy's Honeybunch

English Muffin Bread - Secret Recipe Club Post

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Its time for another Secret Recipe Club reveal! I really love belonging to the Secret Recipe Club and am so happy that Amanda, the founder of this club and author of Amanda's Cookin' came up with this fun idea! Amanda deserves a lot of recognition and thanks for the hard work she has put into this club!

I love being assigned a blog to go through and find something that appeals to me to make. Sometimes I'm lucky and I find something I've thought about making but never had gotten to it before and SRC gives me the little shove that I need to actually do it! If you enjoy following along with us, make sure you visit and like our Secret Recipe Club Facebook page also!

This month I was assigned the blog Quick and Easy Cheap and Healthy written by Anne. I've been looking Anne's blog over quite thoroughly since I was given my assignment and had been struggling about what I was going to make. Not because there wasn't anything there I didn't want to make, but because she has several great recipes on her blog! I finally decided to scour the bread label and that's when I came across her recipe for English Muffins. At first I thought I would absolutely go with the muffins themselves because I have wanted to try making my own English Muffins, but then after I had the dough rising I ended up changing my mind and went with a loaf of bread instead.

One of the things that I absolutely love about going home to visit my family - besides seeing those I love of course - is having breakfast in the morning with my Mom and Dad. My mom rarely ever has bread that is not homemade. I can always count on there being at least more than one flavor of bread to enjoy. This last time it was Raisin Bread and a Cinnamon Swirl Bread. I am a huge fan of homemade bread toasted in the morning. Spread it with some butter and a little of my parent's homemade grape jam or homemade apple butter (which by the way - they grow their own grapes and apples too!) it is absolutely the best thing to eat in the morning.

For this recipe I basically followed Anne's recipe and just changed a couple of things. I used all white whole wheat flour, agave nectar instead of honey, shaped it into a loaf, and didn't use any cornmeal. I also don't have a bread machine anymore so I will make sure to leave instructions on how I mixed my bread together. For Anne's recipe and method on how to make the muffins, make sure to visit her site. When you go to her post, make sure you read the whole thing! The post on "fork split muffins" really gave me a chuckle! While your there, make sure to explore even more. Anne has a lot of information on her site that is really useful and interesting! Definitely a blog to keep reading. Thanks Anne!

English Muffin Bread

adapted from Quick and Easy Cheap and Healthy

Anne also has a Facebook Page, you can follow her there too!

In small saucepan over low heat, warm almond milk and butter until butter just starts to melt. Remove from heat and stir to melt remaining butter. If your milk gets too hot, let it cool to lukewarm. Hot milk will kill your yeast.

Whisk egg and agave nectar together with lukewarm milk and butter.

In large mixing bowl mix flour, yeast and salt. Make a well in center of flour mixture and pour egg/milk mixture in center. Stir until a dough forms. Turn dough out onto a floured surface and knead until smooth. You will need to use a little extra flour while kneading to prevent sticking. Place dough in a glass bowl coated with cooking spray. Cover with plastic wrap and sit in a warm, draft free place to rise. Let rise until dough has doubled in size.

Punch down and remove dough from bowl and knead a few times to deflate. Shape into a loaf and place in loaf pan coated with cooking spray. Let rise until bread has almost doubled (or reached the top of the loaf pan). Bake at 350 for approximately 25-30 minutes, until loaf has browned and sounds hollow when tapped lightly. Place loaf on wire rack to cool.

I love to slice my bread very thin and toast it - to make it nice and crispy! Grumpy however, likes his sliced thicker (he's not much of a crunch guy!). Either way, slice the way you like and serve with your favorite toppings! Enjoy!

To see what other members of the Secret Recipe Club found and created this month, check out the links below!