This is a print preview of "Creamy Mushroom Soup for Souper Sunday" recipe.

Creamy Mushroom Soup for Souper Sunday Recipe
by Life in the Slow Lane at Squirrel Head Manor

It's May and it's hot around these parts but that doesn't usually deter me from making soup. This particular soup has been on my radar for a while but I kept putting it off. After reading a Nicci French book (Frieda Klein series) I started thinking about a mushroom garlic soup again. It was one of the culinary items mentioned in that book and I actually planned to make it the representative dish.

But I get sidetracked easily.

You could use all sorts of mushrooms such as shiitake, portabello or white button - any sort you like. I used the white button mushrooms, not very adventurous this time but was good.

This would be a good starter with the Tortellini dinner we had. I also made fresh Italian bread! While all that was a good meal I could do with not seeing a Tortellini for a long, long time. Two dinners and a lunch.

Here is the simple recipe if you want to try it, tweaking the recipe to your own taste. I would recommend this as a dinner starter or to be served with something else hearty for a lunch.

In Dutch oven saute onions, mushrooms and garlic. Add butter and when it melts, sprinkle in some flour. Now slowly add milk and broth to your taste.