This is a print preview of "Cornflake Candy" recipe.

Cornflake Candy Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Cornflake Candy
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  Servings: 12


  • 1 c. Sugar
  • 1 c. White corn syrup
  • 1/2 c. Cream
  • 4 c. Cornflakes
  • 1 c. Coconut
  • 1 c. Minced nuts
  • 1 tsp Walnut flavoring


  1. Cook #1. ingredients til soft ball stage 238 degreees f. or possibly drop small amount into very cool water - if cooked sufficient it will clump together in a soft mass which can be formed into a ball with your fingers. Stir in #2. ingredients quickly. Mix well. Form into balls, carefully because it is warm. Drop on wax paper.