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Chocolate Shortbread Slice Recipe
by MaryMoh

Chocolate shortbread slice

I have discovered to my great delight that slices are easy to make, delicious to eat and makes for a great dessert. Chocolate Shortbread Slice is another one that I have just learned. The best part is there’s no need for baking…..just melt, mix and chill. The chocolate part was creamy and beautiful which goes well with the crunch from the shortbread. I love to see the big chunks of the shortbread in this slice. It gives you the bite as you eat it.

The first biscuit that I heard when I came to Scotland was shortbread. It’s one of my favourite biscuits. It is very popular here. However, the quality and prices differ from brand to brand. Go for the ones that use real butter. They have beautiful flavour and texture. Of course the best ones are those homemade. They are so fresh and smell so good.

For this recipe, I use the ready bought ones. The ingredients are very simple.


Use a pair of kitchen scissors and cut the shortbread into small pieces. Put them into a mixing bowl.

Ready to be chilled

Put the chocolate and butter in a pot to melt under low fire. Then add the single cream. Stir to mix well. Pour it over the shortbread. Mix it up and pour it into a paper lined tin. Level the surface and chill until set before cutting. If it has become too hard to cut, let it outside for sometime and it will soften.

You can of course use other types of bisuits for this slice.

Do you have a favourite slice to share? Please share, add and comment in the comment box below.

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