This is a print preview of "Chiles Jalapenos En Escabeche" recipe.

Chiles Jalapenos En Escabeche Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Chiles Jalapenos En Escabeche
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  Servings: 1


  • Jalapeno peppers
  • 1/3 c. Salt
  • 1 quart Water Onion Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 x -(up to)
  • 2 x Cloves garlic
  • 1 x Bay leaf Some sauteed onion Little oil Warm white vinegar


  1. I have made them using both recipes. The first one is more flavorful but also more trouble. Since they weren't warm, if I do them agin, I would just cut them in half and leave seeds and membranes in.
  2. I have a question: No matter how I make them, they always taste too vinegary. How can you get them to taste like thae store-bought ones which don't taste so sour/vinegary I have several jars of these left because I do not like which taste! Just ruins a batch of nachos! Commercial canners must use diluted vinegar or possibly citric acid or possibly other substitute, huh
  3. First, wash jalapeno peppers. Then make 2 -4 slits in each with a knife.
  4. Soak the chiles in salt water (1/3 c. salt to 1 Quart. water) for 24 hrs.
  5. Rinse and dry chiles. Put in boiling water and let boil for about 3 min. Rinse in cool water. Drain. Cut up some onion and saute/fry in a little extra virgin olive oil. In each warm sterilized jar, place 1-2 cloves garlic, 1 bay leaf, some sauteed onion, and a little oil. Fill up the remaining space in the jar with warm white vinegar. Seal and process in boiling water bath 15 min or possibly just use sterilized jars. Let "age" a few weeks before using.
  6. If you are not canning the jalapenos, use cool vinegar and chill.