This is a print preview of "Chicken Teriyaki Salad; Sigh…." recipe.

Chicken Teriyaki Salad; Sigh…. Recipe
by Katie Zeller

All I can say is it’s a good thing it rained this weekend….

Actually, after complaining about having a cold, wet spring, one week of sunny, warm weather made the rain very welcome.

And considering my weekend the rain was very, very welcome.

But first, the food….

Chicken Teriyaki Salad

Total time: 25 minutes


2 chicken breasts, boneless, skinless

2 tbs teriyaki sauce


Spoon Teriyaki sauce over chicken and let marinate for 15 minutes.

Saut onion and pepper in olive oil and soy sauce until crisp-tender.

Cook chicken on barbecue grill, 12 – 15 minutes, turning once.


Mix peanut butter, Teriyaki sauce, vinegar, soy sauce and mustard.

Slowly add olive oil, whisking constantly, then whisk in walnut oil.


Prepare lettuce and put in large salad bowl.

Add 2 tbs of dressing to lettuce and toss well to coat.

Add peppers, onions, tomatoes, avocado, a bit (1 tbs) more dressing and toss well.

When chicken is done, thinly slice, add to salad and toss gently.

Serve, remaining dressing on the side.

It was one of those….

Friday was a beautiful day. The forecast for the weekend wasn’t as nice but I had big plans.

All of my outside chores were done for the moment – no mowing or hoeing or weeding or planting.

I had a long list of small, fun projects that I’ve been wanting to do but have been put on hold while I moved the blog, etc, etc, etc.

I woke up Saturday morning excited to get my day started.

I did a quick check on my blog, looking for a recipe I wanted to make for dinner.

I got an error.

All of the old photos, from before the move, were gone.

I have no idea what happened.

Everything was there, in the same file, but couldn’t be accessed.

It worked on Friday.

It didn’t work on Saturday.

I spent half of Saturday trying to figure out what was wrong.

I couldn’t.

I finally accepted that it was fruitless and getting me nowhere fast.

I spent the other half of Saturday figuring out how to fix it.

I uncovered other problems during that process.

I spent all of Sunday making it all work correctly.


I won’t bore you with the details… And they would bore you, trust me.

There went my two days of freedom to have some fun .

Tomorrow it’s back to the real world – French homework, classes, mowing (after all the rain) hoeing, trimming, brushing the dogs and the list goes on.

Maybe next weekend…..

Last Updated on June 9, 2013