This is a print preview of "Chicken Meatballs with Red Sauce and Spaghetti" recipe.

Chicken Meatballs with Red Sauce and Spaghetti Recipe
by Catherine Pappas

Chicken Meatballs with Red Sauce and Spaghetti
Rating: 5/5
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Prep time: United States American
Cook time: Servings: 5


  • 3 lbs. of boneless chicken breast
  • 1 cup chick peas
  • 1 cup Italian parsley
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ½ tsp. black pepper
  • ½ tsp. turmeric
  • ¾ cup corn meal
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Preheat Oven 350 degrees:
  2. Place in a food processor the chick peas, parsley, garlic and seasonings and process.
  3. Cut chicken breast into cubes and place in the food processor; do not over process the chicken. Place the ground chicken in a large bowl.
  4. Add the olive oil and mix the chicken.
  5. Place the corn meal in a shallow bowl. Form the chicken into desired sized balls and roll in the corn meal. Place the chicken balls in a baking dish and drizzle with the vegetable oil.
  6. For one inch chicken balls bake 20 – 25 minutes.