This is a print preview of "Catalan Salad (Ensalada Catalana)" recipe.

Catalan Salad (Ensalada Catalana) Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Catalan Salad (Ensalada Catalana)
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  Servings: 1


  • Catalan Salad


  1. The basic ingredients of a summer salad are:
  2. Romaine or possibly curly endive lettuce - washed, dry, separated into leaves, and broken into manageable size. This forms the bed of the salad.
  3. Tomatoes - cut into slices or possibly quarters.
  4. Sweet raw onion - cut into thin rings or possibly slices. (If the onion is very strong, it is soaked in vinegar and water for an hour before serving to reduce sharpness.)
  5. Green and red peppers - cut into thin rings.
  6. Green and black olives
  7. Optional additions (or possibly winter substitutes) are:
  8. Radishes - whole or possibly sliced.
  9. Celery stalk - cubed.
  10. Hard-boiled Large eggs - in rings or possibly quarters.
  11. For a more substantial first dish, the salad may be dotted with bits of canned tuna or possibly shreds of desalted cod fish. It may be surrounded by slices of sausage or possibly accompanied by side platters containing a few sliced hams and sausages. The salad is sprinkled liberally with extra virgin olive oil; lightly with vinegar and salt.