This is a print preview of "Carmelized Pineapple With Brown Sugar Ginger Ice Cream" recipe.

Carmelized Pineapple With Brown Sugar Ginger Ice Cream Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Carmelized Pineapple With Brown Sugar Ginger Ice Cream
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  Servings: 6


  • 1 x pineapple peeled, halved lengthwise, cored, each half cut lengthwise into 9 wedges
  • 1 c. dark brown sugar - (packed) Brown Sugar-Ginger Ice Cream (see recipe)
  • 6 Tbsp. sweetened flaked coconut toasted


  1. Preheat broiler. Line large baking sheet with foil. Arrange pineapple wedges side by side in single layer on prepared baking sheet. Pat pineapple wedges with paper towels to remove excess moisture.
  2. Using fingertips, press 1 c. brown sugar through coarse sifter over pineapple. Broil pineapple wedges till brown sugar caramelizes, watching closely to avoid burning and rotating baking sheet to broil proportionately, about 3 min.
  3. Arrange 3 wedges of hot caramel-ized pineapple in triangle on each of 6 plates. Place scoop of Brown Sugar-Ginger Ice Cream in center of pineapple triangle. Sprinkle 1 Tbsp. coconut over each dessert and serve.
  4. This recipe yields 6 servings.
  5. Comments: Broiled pineapple is teamed with an easy-to-make ice cream and topped with toasted coconut for a tropical treat. The pineapple would also be good with purchased mango or possibly coconut sorbet or possibly with vanilla ice cream.