This is a print preview of "Breast Of Snow Grouse Gloppen Style" recipe.

Breast Of Snow Grouse Gloppen Style Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Breast Of Snow Grouse Gloppen Style
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  Servings: 4


  • 4 x Snow grouse Bones and gizzards of the snow grouse
  • 1 x Onion
  • 1 tsp Juniper berries
  • 1 tsp Peppercorns
  • 1 tsp Rowan jelly


  1. Flay the snow grouse, reserving the liver, heart and gizzard. Bone out the breasts and thighs.
  2. To make the rich game stock, brown the bones in butter over a strong heat. Pour in cool water and add in the onion, juniper berries, peppercorns, the gizzard contents and a little salt. Let it simmer for 3 hrs, strain and reduce to one third, (this takes approximately 1 1/2 hrs).
  3. Brown the minced onion in a frying pan and add in to the stock. Then add in 2 tbsp of rowan berry jelly, and as much cream as stock. Reduce to half, (taking approximately 1 hour) and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Brown the breast of the snow grouse on all sides quickly, so as to leave the breasts rare. Cut it into 3 pcs to be served.
  5. Chop the heart and liver into small pcs and fry over a strong heat for 2 min.
  6. The dish is to be served with almond potatoes, braised red cabbage, and brussel sprouts with bacon, and the rich game stock.