This is a print preview of "Blueberry Banana Almond Smoothie" recipe.

Blueberry Banana Almond Smoothie Recipe
by Kim - Liv LIfe

Blueberry and banana... simply one of life's perfect combos, and one we've been blending to morning smoothies for years. Be it an addition to a plethora of fruits, creamy with yogurt or milk of some sort, or just blended together for a creamy frozen treat, we never tire of the pair.

But today we added almond, and oh my heavens, I have a new favorite. Already creamy with almond milk, I attempted to boost Liv's protein even more with a scoop of almond butter, and the addition elevated the smoothie to pure decadence.

Almost more dessert tasting than healthy morning starter, Liv's comment of, "Mom... Yes. You totally win!" as she sent a snapchat to her friends had my heart swelling.

While we used almond milk for our version, any milk will do, and I can only imagine a carton of creamy vanilla yogurt would be a delightful addition. Blueberries, banana and almond butter... who knew?

Blueberry Banana Almond Smoothie

Creamy and filled with blueberry banana goodness, a scoop of almond butter gives this a milkshake taste.

handful ice

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until creamy. If the mix is too thick add additional milk or a little water.

Garnish with a blueberry or two and enjoy!