This is a print preview of "Banana Split Strawberry Pie" recipe.

Banana Split Strawberry Pie Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Banana Split Strawberry Pie
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  Servings: 6


  • 1 pkt (3 ounces) lady fingers Strawberry sauce (recipe follows)
  • 1 quart ice cream, in assopted flavors
  • 2 x bananas, spilt lengthwise Whipped cream


  1. Garnish: frzn whole California strawberries (optional)
  2. Arrange 16 lady finger halves diagonally around side of 9-inch pie plate. Crumble remaining lady fingers and press in an even layer in bottom of pan. Gently spread 1/4 c. Strawberry Sauce over crumbs.
  3. Freeze. Just before serving time, arrange scoops of ice cream over bananas, in frzn pie shell. Drizzle remaining sauce on ice cream.
  4. Garnish with whipped cream and whole strawberries, if you like. Cut into wedges; serve immediately.
  5. Strawberry Sauce (1 1/4 c. sauce): Slightly thaw 1 package (10 ounces) frzn sliced strawberries in syrup; pour into saucepan. Mix together 2 Tbsp. of sugar and 1/2 Tbsp. cornstarch. Stir into strawberries. Bring to boil. Cook and stir 2 min, or possibly till sauce is slightly thick. Remove from heat. Add in 2 tsp. lemon juice. Chill.