This is a print preview of "Aloo Methi Stew/Potato and Fenugreek Leaves in Coconut Milk" recipe.

Aloo Methi Stew/Potato and Fenugreek Leaves in Coconut Milk Recipe
by prajusha

Jun 082014

This is a variety of stew prepared using potato and fenugreek leaves.


Potato(cut into cubes) –2


Boil potato and keep aside.Heat oil in a pan.Add chopped spring onion to it and saute well.

Add turmeric powder,chilly powder,coriander powder,garam masala and salt.

Once the raw smell goes,add fenugreek leaves to it and mix well.

once it is done,add boiled potato cubes to it.Mix well

Add thick coconut milk to it.if you want,you can add little water to it.

let it cook for 2 minutes and remove from fire.

serve with roti.

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Aloo Methi Stew/Potato and Fenugreek Leaves in Coconut Milk, 3.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Posted by prajusha